Who do you say I am?

On the Word of God

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In this week’s Gospel, we encounter Jesus’ words to Peter that resonate powerfully with the foundation of our faith and the Church’s enduring mission. Jesus declared, “I will build my Church,” establishing an unbreakable bond between Himself and His Church. This connection reveals the Messianic recognition of Peter and underscores the Church as the true temple where worshippers gather to adore the Father.

Amidst the challenges we face, remember that the Church embodies the seed and dawn of God’s kingdom on Earth. Despite appearances, the Church holds the keys of heaven’s kingdom, bestowing power over the forces of darkness that seek to undermine our faith. Just as Jesus promised, evil forces will not overcome the Church, for it possesses the keys that unlock victory over these forces.

Evil may attempt to deceive and weaken us, even using those closest to us. Yet, we possess the means to counter such deceit—the keys given by Christ to the Church. These keys empower our spiritual leaders to discern what is in alignment with God’s will, guiding our path to salvation.

As we navigate the complexities of life, let us draw strength from the unbreakable union of Christ and
His Church. The authority vested in the Church allows us to discern right from wrong, and our faith remains unwavering in the face of challenges. Just as Christ entrusted Peter with the keys, let us embrace our role in upholding the teachings of the Church and fostering a community rooted in love and faith.

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